Thursday, September 26, 2013

American Stereotypes

Hej alle!

I just wanted to update you all on my majestic daily life living in another country. Everything here is great, and I am about to embark on a week of traveling. I'll be going to London for four days, and then to Copenhagen for three days. For the most part, I stay pretty busy. If I'm not doing something with Rotary or my host family, then I am at school, doing something with the musical.

One of the many things that I have done over the past few weeks was go to my host sister's school, where I met her class and gave a presentation on what it's like being a teenager in America. Everyone said that I was nothing like the American girl they imagined, so I can successfully say that I broke some stereotypes! But I did get a few questions that I have heard quite a bit, here they are:

1. Are you a cheerleader?

2. Do you own a gun?

3. Have you ever drank before in America?

4. Do you have a car?

5. Do you have a boyfriend? Is he a football player?

6. What is American football exactly?

7. Do you like Obama?

8. What clique are you apart of?

9. Do you eat McDonald's?

10. Have you met any celebrities?

11. Have you ever seen snow?

12. How many people go to your parties?

13. Have you ever fired a gun?

14. Are you rich?

15. Do you know any fat people?

The last one really cracked me up, and so did the first one, in fact all of them made me laugh pretty hard. Some of my answers disappointed people, but for the most part, everyone was pretty relieved. Especially when I said I had never fired a gun before. So I can sufficiently say that all of these stereotypes are pretty much broken, because I am not a cheerleader nor do I have a boyfriend or a car or a gun, so BOOM stereotype broken. Well that's all from me for now, I'll be posting relatively soon with some pictures of London!


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