Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A Little Update

Hey everyone!
            So another month has past and it has been just as exciting, if not more than the others. I have to say March was an extremely busy month and has left me needing some rest and some quality time with the host fam, but no worries, I’m taking it easy for the next couple of weeks. Not only has this month been busy, but it has also been a little emotional. I have passed my hundred-days-left mark and it’s like I’m on a high speed train towards my return date, which in my opinion is terrifying. I honestly feel like just last month I was traveling to Copenhagen for the first time and just getting used to the train system. Yet here I am, having been to four other countries and having had experiences that I could never have had if I didn’t take that leap of faith eight months ago.
            This month alone, I have moved to my last host family, had my crazy sister visit me, went to Barcelona with my class, and had my last Rotary Get Together with all of the exchange students in Denmark. Needless to say it has been an emotional rollercoaster, filled with hellos, goodbyes, and see ya laters. I never expected to have made so many friendships and grown so close to so many people, let alone have so many friends from all over the world. I know that this past weekend with all of the exchange students won’t be the last time I’m with some of them, and I also know it won’t be my last teary goodbye but it was the best weekend of my life.
            I have a lot to look forward to in the upcoming weeks, like my parents visiting, Eurotour, and a lot of traveling through Denmark, and I am going to try my hardest to make the most of every single day, but it will be difficult, knowing that I have to leave. I can’t possibly explain how much this year has changed me and opened my eyes, and I hope that all of the future exchange students see all the beauty in this country that I have.
            Alright, enough with the emotional stuff, I will talk to all of you next time and wish everyone a happy Easter if I don’t talk to you before then!

Vi ses!

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